Snap shot of me

I was born and raised in small town Iowa. While it is a safe place to raise kids, it can be close minded. I received my undergraduate degree in NY and have BA in psychology. I then moved to Colorado and worked at an adoption agency and as a probation officer. I also rally raced with my brother and had many adventures! After a couple years I moved back to NY where I gained custody of two older girls who were teenagers at the time. While in NY I got my masters in Community Mental Health Counseling and became a certified addictions counselor. My two older girls grew up and started their adult life, and I moved back to Colorado. In Colorado I worked 8 years at an inpatient psychiatric facility, while also working with a few addiction facilities. The past 10 years I have done more couples and family counseling, trauma, teens and continue to work with all aspects of addiction. I also have a 9 year old biological daughter, who loves her older sisters- even with the large age gap! 

I wouldn’t be the therapist I am today without all the ups and downs of my own life. 

Fun fact- We have chickens and a few other animals! We love our pets!

My Mission

I have been a therapist for over 20 years. I have a passion for what I do and I truly do love my job. While I use many types of therapeutic theories, I am also honest and forward with helping clients move forward. I am kind and gentle but also direct. I want to support people in their journey and help them get closer to their destination. I believe counseling is a collaborative effort. I cannot do the work for anyone but I am here to walk with you on the journey. My goal is to help people engage and find something they can connect to. 

The experience of being a probation officer taught me to be direct and the practice of counseling has softened my approach. I like to think I have found a middle ground to motivate people but also be real with the consequences of their actions.

Not all counseling is rainbows and butterflies. It is not uncommon that it feels harder before it feels better. I will give tips and things to try along with this transition but part of the journey may be taking us out of our comfort zone. 

After doing my own EMDR therapy, I have seen the very positive effect it can have on people. While this is not a one size fits all, it is a great asset to my practice. I use a variety of techniques, theories and strategies depending on the situation, people, issues and desires.

Are you ready to take the first step?

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